Oral Presentations

Oral Presentations

Biological Sciences

O-1  Meijun Pang

Meijun Pang, Rui Peng, Xiuyun Liu, Dong Ming and Zongwei CaiArunsylester A(ASE-8) protects dopaminergic neurons by inhibiting TNF-α in the treatment of Parkinson's diseaseState Key Laboratory of Environmental and Biological Analysis, HKBU.


O-2  Xiaoxin Zhang

Xiaoxin Zhang and Judy Wai Ping Yam, Metabolic reprogramming of pentose phosphate pathway mediated by small extracellular vesicles facilitates tumor metastasis and drug resistance in HCC. Department of Pathology, School of Clinical Medicine, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, HKU. 


Physical and Chemical Sciences

O-3  Xinmeng Guo

Xinmeng Guo, Yuchen He, Shuang Liu and Changsong Zhou, Altered excitation-inhibition balance in depression impairs stimulus processing in auditory cortex. Department of Physics, HKBU.


O-4 Hengqing Shen

Hengqing Shen, Likun Xue, Guolan Fan, Hongyu Xu, Zhanchao Zhang, Guang PanTao Wang and Wenxing Wang, Trace metals reveal significant contribution of coal combustion to winter haze pollution in northern China. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, PolyU.


O-5 Linlin Zhang

Shuaijie Liang, Jinyu Zhang, Caoer Jia, Zhengtang Luo and Linlin Zhang, Water soluble polymer binder with good mechanical property and ionic conductivity for high performance lithium sulfur battery. Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, HKUST.


Engineering and Computer Sciences

O-6 Jianqing Huang

Jianqing Huang and Edmund Y. Lam, A compact and portable polarization holographic imaging system for detecting microplastic pollution in aquatic environment. Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, HKU.


O-7  Peng Wang

Peng Wang and Bo Huang, Multi-resolution analysis pansharpening based on variation factor for multispectral and panchromatic images from different times. Department of Geography and Resource Management, CUHK.


O-8  Wenqing Zhu

Wenqing Zhu, Zhaoqi Chen, Jia Li and Yong Yang, Overcoming strength-toughness trade-off in a eutectic high entropy alloy by optimizing chemical and microstructural heterogeneities. Department of Mechanical Engineering, CityU.


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